Pasja logo

Print finishing

Special effects

Screen printing

Digital printing

Brand creation

Print finishing

Pasja logo


...fresh and crispy like popcorn in your favorite cinema.
Who we are?

PASJA. Modern printing house

We specialize in high-quality print finishing and implementing innovative printing solutions. We carry a wide of ennobling services operations and provide comprehensive printing services.

Jacek Stencel, company owner & CEO

Printing house is a place where creative ideas of widely understood marketing, advertising and publishing come true. We are often the last link in the process of their creation and verification. After us is just a market and real customers. Modern printing house is not only a fascinating world of magical art of printing. This is the innovative approach to management, logistics and modern information technology facilities. But most of all it is important to understand current problems, needs and challenges faced by our customers. This will not solved even the most modern equipment.
The quality of our work is proved by numerous national and international awards. We are the only Polish printing company, which received the Gold Award from FESPA. Three years, year by year, we have won that major international trophy. In addition a few silver and bronze. We are also in the elite group printing houses honored with Diamond Griffin, award granted by the Polish Chamber of Printing for companies, which won three Golden Griffins.

Mirella, sales manager

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